SNES Classic Edition: Developer Interview Volume 2 – F-Zero (Captain Falcon was going to be the SNES mascot!)


The next round of Super Nintendo Classic Edition interviews has been translated, and this time we get a look at the creation of F-Zero. There’s a whole bunch of super interesting info in there, including mention of how Captain Falcon was originally going to be the mascot of the SNES! You can check out a snippet of the interview below, but make sure you click over for the full thing.

Interviewer: You didn’t think about characters at all during development?

Imamura: No. Captain Falcon was originally the mascot character for Super NES.

Interviewer: What?!

Shimizu: That statement is a bit shocking, isn’t it? (laughs)

Interviewer: Yes! (laughs) I’ve never heard that Captain Falcon was the mascot for Super NES.

Imamura: Even most people at Nintendo don’t know that. When development of F-ZERO was almost complete, I was doing a bunch of illustrations and someone expressed a desire to make a mascot character for Super NES, with a name like Captain Something.

Interviewer: Captain Something? (laughs)

Imamura: So I started thinking about a character who would match the colors of the Super Famicom controller, with some red and blue and yellow.

Full interview here

SNES Classic Edition: Developer Interview Volume 2 – F-Zero (Captain Falcon was going to be the SNES mascot!) published first on

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